2023 July Update

We’re thrilled to bring you another round of updates from Build The Future! The magic continues with unforgettable encounters, meaningful progress, and the powerful impact of our shared dedication. Get ready to journey with us through the highlights of our transformative experiences!


It was an incredible week of learning, growing, and preparing Preschool 4 to open with Crossroads GO Durban #2 of the year. Despite the long travel, the team was enthusiastic and eager to take on their tasks. The Bible talks a lot about serving and doing it ALL as though you’re working for the Lord, and that is just what this team did. They used and shared their gifts, and we are forever grateful.

On the educator side, it was clear they worked hard to prepare their lessons for the 20 local teachers who attended the course jam-packed with so much important information. Topics covered varied from lesson planning, engaging students, and building relationships to creating routines, patterns, and a positive learning environment. The learners (local teachers) worked together to share the knowledge they learned. The relationships that formed were priceless.

The educators also did an incredible job of providing some fun (and active) activities for the students at Bhidakhona. Lots of futbol, basketball and frisbee were played. Some new games were learned, as well as lots of dances. We still have Toody Ta stuck in our heads. And so so so much laughter was had. It was a beautiful way to end an incredible term at school before closing for winter break. We also loved sharing Preschool 3 with them and seeing the little squeals at having friends come by to say hi and play a little!!

On the workers’ side, it was clear it was a lekker hardworking crew by their willingness to roll up their sleeves and get things done. From laying sod to staining the playground and toilet structure to painting the inside and outside of the buildings, there was nothing this team couldn’t do. They worked hard and divided tasks to ensure the school would be ready to accept students very soon!! Our favorite part was watching them work alongside community members to make this happen. What a joy to see parents and grandparents of these future students linking arms to work together. It was also really sweet to see them interact with the future children of this site. We can’t wait to see these kids flourish as they continue to grow and work with more volunteers. We are already missing this crew and are encouraged, knowing this is just the beginning of our relationships. The bonds that were created go far beyond this week, and we’re excited to see where God takes us together.

Speaking of bonds, we must take a moment to acknowledge the heartfelt contribution from Karen Reed Smith’s sister. She handcrafted hats for all the teachers in the class and all the kids at Preschools 3 and 4. The joy they've brought to faces young and old is a gift beyond measure. Thank you!

Speaking of bonds, we must take a moment to acknowledge the heartfelt contribution from Karen Reed Smith’s sister. She handcrafted hats for all the teachers in the class and all the kids at Preschools 3 and 4. The joy they've brought to faces young and old is a gift beyond measure. Thank you!


The highlight of our recent projects was the mission trip led by Christine Whelan, in memory of their beloved son, Joe. The group comprised family and friends of the Whelans who shared in their vision to create lasting change. Their mission centered around Bhungeni Creche, also known as “Joe’s Preschool,” a project fully funded by the Whelans and their supporters.

The team’s journey was both emotional and transformative, filled with moments of joy and connection. The defining experience for the team was witnessing Bhungeni Creche come to life with eager students, dedicated teachers, and a supportive community. Their efforts were focused on making the final preparations for the school before its official handover to the community, a symbol of hope and opportunity for future generations.

The community’s heartfelt gratitude was evident in a surprise dedication ceremony held by the adults in the community, where they sang and prayed in their native Zulu language, expressing their appreciation for the new preschool. This celebration embodied the spirit of unity, resilience, and shared human experiences that are central to Build the Future’s mission.

In seeing “Joe’s Preschool” bustling with life and joy, the Whelans and their team experienced firsthand the transformative power of their efforts. This mission trip, filled with invaluable lessons, love, and mutual support, has left an indelible mark on the community and the hearts of those who participated. We are immensely grateful to the Whelan family and their supporters for their inspiring dedication and commitment to enriching the lives of others.



Did you know Build the Future is 100% funded by donations? Additionally, our board is 100% run by volunteers. As we continue to grow and build new schools, we are seeking to increase our donor base to match that growth. We believe the best is yet to come, we’re just getting started and we want you to be a part of that! None of what we do is possible without the generosity of individuals like yourself.

As you head into summer, we’re asking you to consider signing up to be a monthly donor. $35 feeds and educates a child, $100 sponsors a groundskeeper or a cook, $200 sponsors a teacher and $1000 sponsors an entire school! Sign up at buildthefutureusa.org to get started now!


The connections built here extend beyond a single week; they signify the beginning of lifelong friendships and shared visions. We’re humbled and inspired by the journey we’ve embarked on together. Each moment of triumph, laughter, and collective effort reminds us of the difference we can make when we come together. As we look forward to the next chapter, we’re excited to see where this journey takes us. Until our next update, stay safe, stay inspired.

Phillip, Clive & Baylee

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2023 August Update


2023 June Update