2024 April Update

We hope your 2024 is off to a beautiful start and you’re preparing for warming weather. We’re still in the thick of our summer heat, patiently waiting for autumn to come. It’s been a while since we’ve written, so naturally, we have a ton to catch up on. We’ve been super busy meeting new people, sharing our mission far and wide, and kicking off some exciting new projects and initiatives. With no further ado, let’s get into it! 

If you attended our fundraiser in December, you might remember Christine Whelan sharing that her friends Lisa and Greg Scheper were sponsoring Preschool 5 in memory of their son, Calvin. We broke ground at the end of January by clearing land to begin the project. Thobani and his crew have been working hard and we're amazed at the progress at this stage. You’ll notice some slight design changes from our previous build that we believe are going to make a big difference in creating a space for the school's current size as well as future growth.

The name of this school is Unyazi Crèche. In English, this means lightning in a storm. Lightning fills the dark sky with light, just like this school will fill the community with light. We're already dreaming of the day when the space is filled with students! The Scheper’s will be here in July to put the final touches on the school and meet the students and staff who will then call it theirs!

The Scheper’s have been finding fun ways to include their community in their fundraising efforts, including hosting a Rise Against Hunger meal pack in Ft Mitchell, KY in March. We were amazed by their efforts to bring others alongside them as they spread Calvin’s kindness throughout their community and across the world.


As we continue to grow, we are also finding new ways to invest in our existing schools as well as the ones we are bringing under our umbrella. We couldn’t be more proud to share that we have officially launched Build the Future Early Childhood Development Training Initiative led by our very own Community Director, Thandi Meyiwa. If you know Thandi, you’d likely agree that she is one of the most driven, gentle, kind-natured individuals to exist. She is an educator by trade but is also an accredited SETA developer. In layman’s terms, she’s a boss who has all of the skills to lead our teachers through this initiative.

Years ago we recognized that our teachers were traveling far and wide to earn additional credentials. This created a large barrier to some of our staff members. We knew this was going to be a perpetual problem and we needed a solution.

With the development of this initiative, we are able to provide our educators with additional training to ensure they are at par with qualifications and required basic early childhood development skills per the Department of Education requirements. Furthermore, at the completion of this program, every one of our educators will have the opportunity to be trained to be able to train other educators. They will also be able to conduct assessments and earn additional income! We are so excited to be building the future in the lives of our educators!


While we’ve been enjoying our season of planning and growth, we are beginning to yearn for our season of hosting teams. Simply put, we LOVE the people we work with, including our volunteers. Our dear friend Christine Whelan has graciously agreed to lead a team of volunteers over Labor Day Weekend.

We’re hoping YOU might join us for an unforgettable week together as we delve deep into KwaZulu-Natal's community projects with five enriching days of hands-on involvement. There is something for everyone on this trip from interaction with kids, to gardening, to building. Consider this your formal invitation to join us and share the details with your friends:

Who: YOU
What: An unforgettable week of traveling and serving
When: Sat, Aug 31 - Sun, Sep 8 (Labor Day Weekend)
Where: Durban, South Africa
Why: To be a part of building the future of the lives of children and communities in South Africa
How: Visit afrikaadventures.org and secure your spot with a $250 deposit
The total cost for the trip is $1900 + airfare and the deadline to sign up is Tues, April 30.


Last year we introduced “Spotlights” to our social media page. We quickly learned that people thoroughly enjoy learning about the individuals of Build the Future. It was then brought to our attention that everyone is not on social media and some were bummed to be missing out on these fun features. This year, we are committing to sharing one spotlight per newsletter! For this newsletter’s spotlight, we’d like to introduce you to Zibusiso.

Zibusiso is a kind and gentle 4-year-old who attends Bhungeni Crèche (Preschool 4/Joe’s school). He’s a very brave child who isn’t afraid to do things even when he’s feeling a little nervous… like touching a turtle, a bearded dragon, and snakes (with the support of a professional).

His favorite color is blue, and when he grows up, he wants to be a policeman. We’re confident he’ll be an incredible policeman as he is courageous, caring, and loves to do the right thing. His favorite part of school is playing outside with his friends.


One of the many things we’ve been working on the last couple of months is our 2023 Impact Report. This is a labor of love, and we are thrilled to share it with you! Enclosed in the document are statistics, stories of impact, and most of all… love. We could not do what we do without the support, encouragement, and input that we receive. If you are reading this, then YOU are a part of this. We believe this past year was a great success and we look forward to continuing to build the future together. View our 2023 Impact Report here


With gratitude and anticipation for the adventures ahead,

Phillip, Clive, Baylee and the entire Build the Future team


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2023 Year-End Update